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Cerulean Social

Advanced Marketing Package

Advanced Marketing Package

Regular price $10,000.00 USD
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Cerulean Social's Advanced Marketing Package - Priced at $10,000/month

Cerulean Social's Advanced Marketing Package is a premium offering designed for businesses seeking a robust and aggressive approach to digital marketing. Tailored for companies aiming for market leadership and a comprehensive digital presence, this package combines advanced strategies across multiple channels to deliver impactful results and significant ROI.

What's Included:

  1. Comprehensive SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

    • Full-Scale SEO Audit and Strategic Planning: In-depth analysis and development of a sophisticated SEO strategy, encompassing all aspects of modern SEO.
    • Advanced On-Page and Off-Page SEO: Implementation of high-level SEO tactics, including extensive link-building campaigns and advanced keyword optimization.
    • Technical SEO: Addressing technical aspects of SEO, such as site speed optimization, mobile responsiveness, and structured data.
  2. Social Media Management (Multiple Platforms):

    • Multi-Platform Strategy: Managing and optimizing your presence across several key social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    • Custom Content Creation: Producing a wide variety of content including posts, stories, and videos, tailored for each platform's audience.
    • Engagement and Community Building: Active management of your social community, fostering engagement, and building a loyal follower base.
  3. Extensive Content Marketing:

    • Diverse Content Production: Regular creation of a broad range of content types, including blog posts, advanced videos, infographics, and eBooks.
    • Content Promotion: Strategic promotion of content through various channels to maximize reach and engagement.
  4. Advanced Email Marketing:

    • Sophisticated Email Campaigns: Crafting and executing complex email marketing strategies, including segmented campaigns and personalized content for different audience segments.
    • Automation and Funnel Creation: Implementing automated email sequences and creating sales funnels to nurture leads and drive conversions.
  5. Comprehensive PPC Management (Pay-Per-Click):

    • Extensive PPC Campaigns: Advanced management of PPC campaigns across platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media ads.
    • Conversion Optimization: Focused on maximizing conversions through A/B testing, landing page optimization, and continuous campaign refinement.
  6. Monthly Detailed Analytics and Reporting:

    • In-Depth Analytics Report: Providing comprehensive monthly reports covering all aspects of your digital marketing efforts, with actionable insights and strategic recommendations.

Why Choose the Advanced Marketing Package?

  • Market Leadership Focus: Aimed at businesses striving to be at the forefront of their industry in the digital space.
  • Maximized Digital Presence: Comprehensive coverage and optimization across all key digital marketing channels.
  • Data-Driven and Result-Oriented: Focused on delivering measurable results and high ROI through data-driven strategies.
  • Expert Team at Your Service: Access to a team of experienced digital marketing professionals, leveraging their expertise to elevate your brand.

Ideal For:

  • Established businesses looking for aggressive growth and market dominance.
  • Companies with a substantial digital marketing budget focused on achieving high returns.
  • Organizations needing a wide-ranging and intensive digital marketing strategy to outperform competitors.

The Advanced Marketing Package from Cerulean Social represents the pinnacle of digital marketing services, offering unparalleled expertise and comprehensive strategies for businesses aiming high. At $10,000 per month, it is an investment in market leadership and digital excellence, ensuring your brand not only competes but sets the standards in the digital marketplace.

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